Day 1: Smart Secure Cities
John leads the International Collaboration team made up of mayors, city leaders, 110 tech companies and universities from across the world ( This group focuses on commercial projects within City Challenges/Smart Cities/Environment and Technologies (AI, IoT, Industrial IoT, Digital Transformation).
John is the ex-chair for Telegraph newspaper (UK) Tech and Innovation. John is the editor in chief of City Pulse magazine – focusing on Smart Cities, Environment and Technologies (AI, IoT, Digital etc) circulated to an audience of 10 million. Link to magazine is at John also leads on government projects in Business and Digital Transformation, Smart Cities, and Transportation.
Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC): Smart and Secure Cities and Communities Overview and Killer Apps
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
Moderator: Jean Rice, NITRD Computing-Enabled Networked Physical Systems Interagency Working Group and Federal Fast Track 5G Committee, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), Department of Commerce
Panelists: Jon Walton (CIO, San Mateo County), Tony Batalla (CTO, City of San Leandro), Sokwoo Rhee (Associate Director, CPS Innovation at National Institute of Standards and Technoloy), Lan Jenson (CEO, Adaptable Security Corp), Limor Schafman (Keystone Tech Group)
GCTC SuperClusters:
Agriculture & Rural | Cybersecurity and Privacy Advisory Committee | Data | Education | Public Safety | Smart Buildings | Transportation | Utility (Energy /Water /Waste Management) | Wireless
Tech Visionary's Remarks
Scott McNealy is an outspoken advocate for personal liberty, small government, and free-market competition. In 1982, he co-Founded Sun Microsystems and served as CEO and Chairman of the Board for 22 years. He piloted the company from startup to legendary Silicon Valley giant in computing infrastructure, network computing, and open source software.
Today McNealy is heavily involved in advisory roles for companies that range from startup stage to large corporations, including Curriki. Curriki (curriculum + wiki) is an independent 501(c)(3) organization, building tools that enable open access for all to the technologies that can transform the way educational experiences are designed, created, and delivered to the 21st Century student. A technology leader driven to improving the educational opportunities and breaking down the barriers that divide those who have access to high-quality education and those who do not.
As the co-founder of Sun Microsystems, one of the largest start-ups in the 80’s, Scott was an innovator in the technology field. His keen business insight helped make Sun a leader in the technology space up to its sale in 2010 for $5.6 billion dollars. His passion for technology didn’t stop there. In 2011 Scott founded Wayin, The Digital Campaign CMS which is now a successful global company servicing more than 300 brands across 80 countries.
Scott is also deeply rooted in helping entrepreneurs in the startup community develop and market new ideas. His passion and support of the educational community, especially children, is one of the driving forces behind Curriki and inspiring learning everywhere. Scott McNealy is an enthusiastic ice hockey fan and an avid golfer. BA, Harvard, 1976 MBA, Stanford, 1980
Welcoming Keynote: GCTC Smart Secure Cities and Communities Revisited
Sokwoo Rhee, Associate Director for CPS Innovation at National Institute of Standards and Technology
Sokwoo Rhee is Associate Director for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Innovation at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, covering innovation programs for Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities. He manages Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC), a U.S. federal government program to develop a global ecosystem of major business and technology stakeholders to create replicable and scalable IoT/smart city projects.
Since its launch in 2014, GCTC has facilitated and incubated over 250 innovation projects in collaboration with more than 200 cities and 400 corporations, universities, non-profits and foreign governments in over 25 countries. He previously served as a Presidential Innovation Fellow (PIF) on CPS, a program by the White House. During his tenure as a PIF, he co-led the SmartAmerica Challenge, which brought together IoT technologies and organizations across the nation to demonstrate how they can collaborate to develop and deploy solutions with the focus on socio-economic benefits. Prior to joining the US government, he was a co-founder and CTO of Millennial Net, Inc., one of the first to successfully commercialize low-power wireless sensor network and IoT technologies from academia. He also worked on wireless medical sensors as a research associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His work and achievements have been recognized through multiple awards including MIT Technology Review’s Top Innovators under 35. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from MIT.
Keynote #1: 2020: What Have We Learned?
Sean Martin is an information security veteran of more than 25 years and a five-term Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). Sean is the co-founder and serves as the editor-in-chief at @ITSPmagazine and the president of imsmartin, an international business advisory firm.
Sean's articles have been published globally covering security management, cloud computing, enterprise mobility, application security, InfoSec awareness and education, bug bounties, governance, risk, and compliance -- oftentimes with a focus on specialized industries and sectors such as government, finance, healthcare, insurance, legal, manufacturing and the supply chain.
Sean is also a regular speaker and moderator traveling to cities all over the world, both physically and virtually.

Jessica Santos, Ph.D., Lecturer and Scientist, Brandeis University
Jessica Santos, Ph.D., is a researcher and educator with expertise in social inequality, workforce development and diversity, refugee and immigrant integration, and Empowerment Economics. She is a Scientist and the Director of Community-Engaged Research at the Institute on Assets and Social Policy (IASP) at Brandeis University and a Lecturer at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management.
Prior to joining IASP, Jessica spent 10 years designing and implementing projects to improve the well-being of families and communities in New England and Latin America. At the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health and Refugee Affairs, she developed and managed projects to further health and equity in the state. Jessica also worked with partners to secure millions of dollars in public and private funds for public health and economic inclusion in New Hampshire. Her current work is focused on learning from the intersections of research and practice to reduce inequality and bring innovative policy and program solutions to scale.
Ann Dunkin is a Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer focused on state and local government at Dell. Prior to joining Dell, Ms. Dunkin was the Chief Information Officer for the County of Santa Clara. Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, Santa Clara is the 15th largest county in the United States. Prior to joining Santa Clara County, Ms. Dunkin served in the Obama Administration as the Chief Information Officer of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Prior her time in Washington D.C., she was the Chief Technology Officer for the Palo Alto Unified School District. Ms. Dunkin joined the School District after a long career at Hewlett Packard in a variety of leadership roles focused on Engineering, Research & Development, IT, Manufacturing Engineering, Software Quality and Operations.
Ms. Dunkin is a published author and sought after speaker on the topics of technology modernization, digital services and organizational transformation. Throughout her career she has served on a wide range of professional boards and committees. Most recently she served as an editor of the International Journal of Advances in Software. In 2009, she served as the General Chair of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). She currently serves on the WSC Board of Directors, the Agile Government Leaders (AGL) Board of Directors and the Georgia Tech President’s Advisory Board.
Ms. Dunkin was named one of ComputerWorld’s Premier 100 Technology Leaders for 2016. She was also a recipient of a FedScoop 50 Federal Leadership Award in 2015, the FedScoop GoldenGov Federal Executive of the Year Award in 2016 and a LocalScoop GoldenGov County Executive of the Year Award in 2019. She was named one of DC’s Top 50 Women in Technology for 2015 and 2016 and to StateScoop's Top 50 Women in Technology list for 2017. In 2018 she was inducted into Georgia Tech’s Academy of Distinguished Engineering Alumni.
Ms. Dunkin holds a Master of Science and a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, both from The Georgia Institute of Technology. She is a licensed professional engineer in the states of California and Washington.
Raimundo Rodulfo has worked for more than 26 years across industries delivering value, growth, sustainability, continuous improvement and innovation to customers and organizations. As the Information Technology Director and Chief Innovation Officer of City of Coral Gables, he is responsible for strategic planning, oversight and management of city-wide IT operations, infrastructure and smart city initiatives.
Prior to joining the City in 2004, Raimundo worked for 10 years in the private sector, including seven years with Bellsouth as a telecommunication engineer and two years at Siemens and NCR as an electrical engineer. He also worked on engineering projects with Motorola and Lucent in Chicago, and with Agilent Technologies in Silicon Valley; and he worked on joint technology projects with Alcatel, Microsoft, Cisco, IBM, DELL, CheckPoint, VMWare and other organizations.
Raimundo holds a Master's Degree in engineering management from Florida International University (FIU), a Graduate Certificate in enterprise systems from FIU, and a Bachelor of Science in electrical and electronics engineering from National Polytechnic University. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.), a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), and a Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB). He also holds other professional credentials such as Florida and National NCEES P.E. Record, Certified Virtualization Expert (CVE), Payment Card Industry Professional (PCIP), HIPAA Master, SAP Business Suite, and IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) certification.
Round Table A How A City Addressed Cybersecurity and Privacy in the DNA of its Smart Transportation Zero-Cost Testing Facility
Abstract: Getting security right from the start has been a major challenge for smart city initiatives. The City of Peachtree Corners, GA has taken a new, innovative approach to attract smart city starts-ups and mature companies to Curiosity Lab to test and refine their solutions, including smart transportation infrastructure for autonomous vehicles, remote-controlled e-scooters, and drones.
The panel will discuss how cybersecurity and privacy were identified as critical concerns and addressed early on, and how Peachtree Corners secured funding for cybersecurity of its free-to-use smart city test-site. Lessons learned will be compared with findings of a recent study examining smart city deployments across several U.S. cities.
Dr. Andreas Kuehn is a Senior Program Associate within the EastWest Institute’s Global Cooperation in Cyberspace program ( where he leads the development of EWI’s breakthrough group efforts on “Increasing the Global Availability and Use of Secure ICT Products and Services” and “Secure, Resilient Cities and the Internet of Things”. He focuses on emerging information technology challenges at the intersection of cybersecurity, governance, and international security.
As a Cybersecurity Fellow, Dr. Kuehn conducted research on cybersecurity policy, vulnerability markets and disclosure arrangements at Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation and was an adjunct researcher at the RAND Corporation, where he worked on cyber risk and the cyber insurance industry.
Justin is a cybersecurity subject matters expert who is also a corporate attorney who specializes in M&A and other business transactions. He handles complex corporate transactions that include partnerships, acquisitions, investments, licensing, secured lending and master service agreements.
He has developed deep subject matter expertise in cybersecurity as he believes cybersecurity is a strategic business enterprise risk. He brings a cyber lens to business and legal issues in mergers and acquisitions, investment capital transactions and related due diligence matters, information security plans, cyber insurance, vendor and customer contracts and incident response. He conducts realistic industry specific cyber breach incident response tabletop exercises that facilitate the board and c-suite identifying and addressing gaps in their thinking on cybersecurity issues.
He also nationally recognized keynote speaker on topics that include cybersecurity, blockchain, and AI. In October 2017, he gave a Ted Talk entitled "Why You Hold the Key to Cybersecurity."
In his free time, Justin spends time with his wife Jodi and two daughters. He is an avid outdoor enthusiast who bikes, kayaks, hikes, ski's, snowshoes, and paddleboards. He is also a passionate squash player who plays in local tournaments.

David Rhodes, Assistant City Attorney, Peachtree Corners, GA
Dave Rhodes is the Assistant City Attorney for the City of Peachtree Corners and is legal counsel for Curiosity Lab, the City’s proving ground for technology that has graduated from a closed laboratory environment. Curiosity Lab is located within an existing 500-acre technology park and consists of a 5G- enabled 1.5 mile autonomous and connected vehicle test track and smart city laboratory.
Dave played an integral role in Curiosity Lab’s recent efforts to develop and implement a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) compliant transportation data management and security plan. He is also a judge advocate in the Tennessee Army National Guard and serves as the Brigade Judge Advocate for the 230th Sustainment Brigade, headquartered in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Prior to attending law school, Dave served on active duty as an infantry captain in the 1 st Armored Division and deployed twice to Baghdad, Iraq. His military service awards include the Combat Infantryman Badge and Bronze Star Medal.
Dave lives in Decatur, Georgia, with his wife, Sharon, and daughter, Regan.
Dr. Jared Mondschein is an associate physical scientist at RAND Corporation. At RAND, he leads project teams addressing organizational and technological challenges that local communities face during digital transformations. Jared also works on a range of national security and homeland security policy challenges, including cyber supply chain risk management and digital modernization. He completed his Ph.D. in chemistry in May 2018 at The Pennsylvania State University, where he studied materials for renewable energy storage solutions.
Round Table B Resilience Against Ransomware - Insurance & Ransome Retrieval
David Balenson, Senior Computer Scientist, SRI International. Mr. Balenson is a senior computer scientist in the Computer Science Laboratory at independent, non-profit research institute SRI International. He provides technical support to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security DHS Science and Technology Directorate and supports the National Institute of Standards and Technology Global Cities Team Challenge (GCTC) Smart and Secure Cities and Communities Challenge (SC3). He’s a member of GCTC’s Cybersecurity and Privacy Advisory Committee (CPAC) and helped develop the CPAC Guidebook on A Risk Management Approach to Smart City Security and Privacy and companion guidebook on A Starting Point for Smart Cities and Communities on Managing Ransomware Risk. See for more information.
* Co-Chair of NIST GCTC CPAC COVID-19 Taskforce.
* Security thought leader, Founding Member of IoT Security Foundation, a industry consortium of global IoT leaders.
* Technical cyber expert Subject Matter Expert (SME) for various organizations.
* 22 years working for Global Fortune 500 Companies creating strategic risk based programs to help businesses survive and be profitable.
* Guest commentator and writer for local television, print and online media. Featured on, among others, Forbes, Huffington Post and various industry organizations publications.
* Frequent presenter at industry events.
* President of OutSecure, A cybersecurity security company helping clients stay profitable and anticipate cybersecurity risks to their business.
* Chair Northeast Annual Cybersecurity Summit, NEACS – a security summit for business leaders.
* President CT Chapter of ISC2, helping spread security awareness in the community.
Dr. Victor Fang is the Founder and CEO of top VC funded AI powered blockchain security startup, Before, he headed the AI initiatives at FireEye Mandiant, responsible for company's AI product strategic roadmap. Under his leadership, various Machine Learning (ML) models were successfully introduced into millions of endpoints and various services that improved On-Execution dynamic detection and efficiency. He also initiated FireEye's AutoML platform that has delivered hundreds of ML model to Network, Email security products. He was recognized as the Face of FireEye AI. Dr. Fang holds more than 15 US patents, and more than 20 research papers around AI, Big Data, Fraud and Threat detection. He's a contributor of "MIT Technology Review 2017". Prior to FireEye, Dr. Fang has 10+ years of ML practice and 5 years of enterprise data science leadership experience at top VC backed startup and Fortune 500 companies. 1st Prize Winner of 2017 FireEye Global Hackathon.
Co-founding Arceo in 2016, Davis has grown the company from seed to the launch of a full cyber insurance agency focused on providing clients with smarter insurance and dynamic security. Before joining Arceo, Davis was Director of Cybersecurity Strategy at Palo Alto Networks. While there, he concurrently served as Co-Director of the Presidential Cyber Policy Task Force at CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies) and as Co-Director of the Cybersecurity Expert Group at the Truman National Security Project.
From 2006 to 2014, Hake held influential positions in the Federal government, including the National Security Council of the White House, the Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. House of Representatives where worked on numerous operations and legislation to defend Critical Infrastructure and Federal networks from attack.
Davis holds an M.A. in Strategic Security Studies from National Defense University, and a B.A. in International Relations and Economics from the University of California Davis.
Round Table C It's Connectivity, Stupid! Resources & What Works
David Witkowski is a wireless and telecommunications industry veteran and the author of Bridging the Gap : 21st Century Wireless Telecommunications. After serving in the U.S. Coast Guard and earning his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from University of California @ Davis, he held managerial and leadership roles for companies ranging from Fortune 500 multi-nationals to early-stage startups. David is the Founder & CEO of Oku Solutions LLC and serves as the Executive Director of Civic Technology Initiatives at Joint Venture Silicon Valley. He serves as Co-Chair of the GCTC Wireless SuperCluster at NIST, on the Board of Expert Advisors for the California Emerging Technology Fund, as a Member of the Connected City Advisory Board, and is a Senior Member in both the IEEE and the Radio Club of America.
Benny Lee has over 20 years of experience in the financial industry covering technology systems architecture, process design and business intelligence before moving into local government several years ago. Currently, he is the Director of SMC Public Wi-Fi Program for the County of San Mateo covering civic innovation projects. Under his leadership, the County of San Mateo has expanded to over 90 free Public Wi-Fi locations with about a million hours of online usage monthly. His other work includes Federal Advocacy, NIST Global Cities Team Challenge (GCTC) for Wireless Superclusters. He also serves as an advisor for the NIST GCTC Cybersecurity Privacy Advisory Committee, the NIST GCTC Smart Buildings Supercluster and serves as co-chair to the NIST GCTC Data Supercluster.
Benny was elected to San Leandro City Council in 2012 and re-elected in 2016. He’s focused on fiscal sustainability, solving social challenges and is driven towards smart civic technologies innovation and usage that ties it all together. He serves and advises on multiple boards and organizations focused on regional civic engagement in political affairs.
Benny is happily married to his lovely wife Rose. His son Austin works in the tech industry while pursuing his post-graduate degree in Data Science and Cybersecurity covering Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence development..
Keynote #2: 2020: How Do We Leverage Our Learning to Build a Better Normal? (Part II)
Abstract: The recent COVID-19 health crisis has thrust us into a digital transformation of unprecedented scale. Local governments including information services have played a pivotal role in the society’s resilience. Hardships have been experienced. Breakthroughs have been instituted. Collectively, how do we ensure our hard-earned lessons are fully leveraged as we build a more resilient and smart normal?
Attend this session to learn from award-winning leaders succinct best practices and opportunities for doing business in the new normal. Importantly, interact with the leaders and share your insights too.
During COVID-19, many small businesses /nonprofits /local governmnets get to keep operational thanks to TechCARES, an initiative by a coalition of 19 nonprofits. As the driving force behind TechCARES, Ms. Lan Jenson is proud of the volunteers and interns and the many small businesses /nonprofits /local governments that have pivoted and learned to catch the "digital fish."
As the CEO of Adaptable Security Corp (ADA for short), Ms. Lan Jenson aims to change the landscape of cybersecurity and privacy by energizing the underserved majority of the society with innovative easy-to-adopt methodologies and professional volunteers. She has been a strong voice and leader in NIST and DHS-sponsored Smart Secure Cities and Communities Challenge (SC3), which serves 200+ participating cities worldwide. Ms. Jenson serves as the Co-Chair of SC3 Cybersecurity and Privacy Advisory Committee, which published a guidebook in July 2019 for all aspiring smart cities to build in cybersecurity and privacy by design.
ADA has served successfully governments, school districts, smaller businesses, and nonprofits with cyber risk assessments, multi-year risk-based planning, seminars and symposiums. ADA’s partners include cities/counties, state departments, federal agencies, professional and civic organizations such as ISC2/ ISACA/ ISSA chapters, InfraGard, OWASP, People Centered Internet, Global Cyber Alliance, NCSA, SCORE and Small Business Development Centers. Lan Jenson received her Master’s in Management of Information Systems from Boston University.
Jon Walton brings over 25 years of experience in the field of Information Technology and has a diverse background in both public and private sectors, setting innovative technology standards and providing visionary leadership for numerous organizations.
Currently as Chief Information Officer for the County of San Mateo, Jon manages a team of highly skilled professionals committed to delivering a variety of services including Public Safety Radios, Data Center & Infrastructure, Countywide Enterprise Applications, Strategic Planning, Open Data, and much more.
Under his leadership, San Mateo County (SMC) implemented a countywide shared digital public safety radio system, a hyper-converged SDN datacenter, a multi-jurisdictional high-speed fiber network, and the migration of key enterprise applications to the Cloud. In addition, he oversaw the launch of SMC Public WiFi to help bridge the digital divide within the County.
Rob Lloyd is Chief Information Officer for the City of San José, California, directing the diverse technology portfolio of the nation’s tenth largest municipality. The City’s 6,600 employees and $3.7B+ budget serve one million residents and 80,000+ businesses in heart of Silicon Valley. The City’s quest: To be as innovative as the community we serve.
Over the past two decades, Rob has led organizations in the technology, government, and utilities sectors in California, Arizona, Oregon, and Colorado. His teams have earned over 20 national awards for engagement, operational excellence, and innovation through advanced uses of technology. He has earned recognition as a Government Technology Magazine Top-25 Doers, Dreamers and Drivers; National Diversity Council Distinguished CIO; eGov Pioneer; Arizona Top Tech Exec; and Phoenix Business Journal Forty Under 40.
Jessica Santos, Ph.D., is a researcher and educator with expertise in social inequality, workforce development and diversity, refugee and immigrant integration, and Empowerment Economics. She is a Scientist and the Director of Community-Engaged Research at the Institute on Assets and Social Policy (IASP) at Brandeis University and a Lecturer at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management.
Prior to joining IASP, Jessica spent 10 years designing and implementing projects to improve the well-being of families and communities in New England and Latin America. At the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health and Refugee Affairs, she developed and managed projects to further health and equity in the state. Jessica also worked with partners to secure millions of dollars in public and private funds for public health and economic inclusion in New Hampshire. Her current work is focused on learning from the intersections of research and practice to reduce inequality and bring innovative policy and program solutions to scale.
Mayors Panel: Help the Leaders Lead - Innovations & Investments
Abstract: Facing a crisis the magnitude of COVID-19, many cities and counties have to pull back on their budget for smart city initiatives to meet basic needs. Never let a good crisis go to waste, a famous saying advises. What does it mean for innovation and investment opportunities for Smart Secure Cities?
Attend this session with award-winning smart city leaders for their insights and plans. Hint: innovations and investments have many forms.
Mayor Lily Mei grew up in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business from the Drexel University. Her diverse professional experience includes over 20 years in competitive analysis, product and channel management, supply chain practices and serving as a worldwide sales operations controller. Most recently she led a global high-technology trade association representing industry leaders to develop best practices to advance intellectual property protection.
Mayor Mei is proud to be a contributor to the growing success of Fremont’s public education where she was elected twice as a School Board Trustee to the Fremont Unified School District serving from January 2008 to December 2014.
In addition to education, Mayor Mei embraces diverse recreational and cultural programs serving as a volunteer and leader supporting local scouting and sports programs. She is a board member/advisor of Citizens for Better Community, Music for Minors II and South Bay Chinese Service Club. Mayor Mei also has been a dedicated supporter involved with community focused groups encouraging civic engagement such as the Silicon Valley Leadership Group – Minority Women Leadership Day/Education Summit and American Association of University Women.
Vice Mayor Charles “Chappie” Jones was elected to the San José City Council in November of 2014 with close to 60% of the popular vote. He represents City Council District 1, the region of West San José (west of Hwy. 17 & 880) that borders the cities of Campbell, Cupertino, Santa Clara and Saratoga.
Chappie was born in Sacramento and moved to San José in the 1990’s. His upbringing instilled a strong sense of civic responsibility and made him into tenacious advocate of civil service, fiscal culpability and community engagement.
Prior to his election, Chappie worked in the private sector where he held sales management positions with Apple and AT&T, was an executive manager with Cornerstone Consulting and Technology, and owned a technology service business.
Chappie represents the City of San José on the following committees and boards:
* Rules and Open Government Committee, Vice Chair
* Public Safety, Finance, and Strategic Support Committee (PSFSS), Member
* Smart Cities and Service Improvements Committee, Vice Chair
* National League of Cities, Information Technology and Communications Committee, Member

Jessica Santos, Ph.D., Lecturer and Scientist, Brandeis University
Jessica Santos, Ph.D., is a researcher and educator with expertise in social inequality, workforce development and diversity, refugee and immigrant integration, and Empowerment Economics. She is a Scientist and the Director of Community-Engaged Research at the Institute on Assets and Social Policy (IASP) at Brandeis University and a Lecturer at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management.
Prior to joining IASP, Jessica spent 10 years designing and implementing projects to improve the well-being of families and communities in New England and Latin America. At the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health and Refugee Affairs, she developed and managed projects to further health and equity in the state. Jessica also worked with partners to secure millions of dollars in public and private funds for public health and economic inclusion in New Hampshire. Her current work is focused on learning from the intersections of research and practice to reduce inequality and bring innovative policy and program solutions to scale.
Keynote #3 Fireside Chat: Techniques to Fall in Love with Your City Again
Abstract: Ask any community member what they think of their city and they’ll tell you without hesitation. Good, bad, and everything in-between. They know how they feel and will eagerly share the things they love and the things they hate.
People have an emotional connection with where they live. A city where its inhabitants are happier is a better place to live. This usually means its healthier, more efficient, there are a variety of economic and entertainment opportunities, and it’s more inclusive and friendlier.
Don’t we all want this kind of city? In this fireside chat, Professor Jonathan Reichental and Rob Silverberg discuss the dynamics and steps for creating smarter communities that make their residents happier and want to fall in love with their cities.
Dr. Jonathan Reichental, Founder & CEO, Human Future; Author of Smart Cities for Dummies (July 2020)
Dr. Jonathan Reichental is the Founder & CEO of Human Future, a global business and technology education, advisory, and investment firm. He is the former Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the City of Palo Alto, and a multiple award-winning technology leader whose 30-year career has spanned both the private and public sectors. In 2017, he was named one of the top 100 CIOs in the world and in 2016 he was named one of the top 20 most influential CIO’s in the United States.
Dr. Reichental is also recognized as a global thought leader on a number of emerging trends including urban innovation and blockchain technology. In 2013 he was recognized as one of the 25 doers, dreamers, and drivers in government in America. He also won a best CIO in Silicon Valley award and a national IT leadership prize. His innovative work in government has also been recognized by the White House. Dr. Reichental works with his teams to apply technology innovation in organizations to create new value and to enable work to be more meaningful and fun.
Dr. Reichental is an adjunct professor at several universities including the University of San Francisco. He is a popular writer and online host, producing several highly successful online courses with LinkedIn Learning. He co-authored The Apps Challenge Playbook and he is a frequent public speaker on a wide range of technology and business-related topics. He co-hosts the popular podcast, Drinking Wine Talking Tech.
Rob Silverberg is the chief strategy and innovation officer for Dell Technologies and leads the Smart Cities focus for Dell Technologies’ state and local government team. In his role, Rob works with state and local government customers across the nation to help these agencies understand how Dell’s broad portfolio of technologies and solutions can help them achieve their goals. Rob also works with closely Dell’s partner ecosystem and aids in their design of end to end solutions for Digital Communities.
With over 17 years at Dell Technologies and formerly Dell EMC, he’s held positions in consulting management and public sector industry marketing and has extensive experience in enterprise data management, content management and systems integration design. Prior to his current role, Rob worked extensively on Dell EMC’s Digital Communities data architecture and public safety solutions.
Prior to Dell EMC, Rob held positions at several companies including Oracle and FileNet, later acquired by IBM. Revered as a subject matter expert and thought leader in the space, Rob speaks at various conferences and events sharing perspective regarding current projects, innovations and advising on strategy influencing the space. Rob currently serves as a smart city advisory board member for the City of Austin, Texas and the City of San Jose, California.
Rob attended the University of California at Berkeley.
Day 2: Cybersecurity & Privacy
Talent and technology veteran, Deidre Diamond, Founder and CEO of CyberSN and Secure Diversity, has created the largest cybersecurity talent acquisition service and technology firm in the U.S; while focusing on the cybersecurity talent shortage, specifically the shortage of women. Deidre's mission is to remove the pain from job searching and matching for everyone. Deidre cares tremendously about people loving where they work and has been working to create cultures that have high EQ (emotional intelligence) skills. These skills focus on words and behaviors. Deidre is known in the D/I community as someone who works hard at making sure words and behaviors are inclusive for all, so that inclusive environments can also be diverse environments.
Early Birds: Cybersecurity and Privacy Professional Social with Prizes
8:00 AM - 8:55 AM
Moderators: Matthew Rosenquist, Deidre Diamond
Special Guests: Zulfikar Ramzan, Gary Hayslip, Noureen Njoroge, Carmen Marsh, Chloé Messdaghi, Rod Soto and more
8:55 AM - 9:00 AM MC Remarks
Welcome Keynote
Title: Stewarding Data Entrusted to Us: The Critical Need for Protecting the Security and Privacy of Data
· What is CISA?
· What is CISA’s role in the Smart Cities movement?
· Why is Stewarding Data Important to CISA? And, Why Should It Be Important to Everyone in This Space?
James Burd is the Acting Director of Privacy (Privacy Officer) at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). CISA is responsible for protecting the Nation’s critical infrastructure from physical and cyber threats. This mission requires effective coordination and collaboration among a broad spectrum of government and private sector organizations. CISA’s Office of Privacy integrates full individual privacy protections into the management of a safe, secure, and resilient infrastructure. While at CISA, James co-authored the Privacy and Civil Liberties Guidelines for the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015 and worked with system developers on the privacy engine for the Automated Indicator Sharing initiative, the technical implementation of the Act. Prior to working at CISA, James worked on biometric privacy for law enforcement, intelligence, and immigration at DHS, and data governance issues in the private sector.
Keynote #1 Security and Privacy After 2020
This interactive panel will first pick the leaders brain on three questions; then interact with the audience on their top of mind questions.
What are the short/long term risks/challenges after 2020 for Privacy/Security?
Recommended proactive privacy/security steps to take now?
Are there any hidden opportunities that should be recognized, moving forward?
Matthew Rosenquist is the former Cybersecurity Strategist for Intel Corp and benefits from 29 diverse years in the fields of cyber, physical, and information security. Mr. Rosenquist specializes in security strategy, measuring value, developing best-practices for cost effective capabilities, and establishing organizations which deliver optimal levels of cybersecurity, privacy, ethics, and safety.
Mr. Rosenquist is very active in the industry, speaks at conferences, and advises businesses, academia, and governments on best practices and how to move to sustainable models that comprehend the advancement of attackers while aligning to organizational goals. Matthew keynotes at industry events, is a member on multiple technical and academic advisory boards, and collaborates with the top minds in the cybersecurity industry. He has developed risk methodologies, fostered technologies, and publishes acclaimed blogs, articles, and white papers on a wide range of cybersecurity topics.
Matthew is very passionate about protecting technology and strives to blend practical risk mitigation practices, business processes, and technology capabilities to achieve an optimal level of security. His forward-looking focus is on the emerging risks and opportunities to make digital technology secure, trustworthy, private, and safe for everyone.
Dr. Peredo has over 28 years of experience as a C level executive as well as in the areas of information security, software engineering, and IT program management. Currently support the City of San Jose as the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Prior roles include supporting the County of San Diego 1.2 billion dollar account as the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Worked at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as a Program Manager. Also worked at the United States Secret Service (USSS) as the Project Manager for the Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO) team under the CISO where won the ISSO of the year award. Served as DHS FISMA Inventory Management System team lead at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). Other organizations include TSA, HUD, and the DC Government.
Round Table A1 Critical Infrastructure and Supply Chain Contract
Abstract: There is a three-dimensionality to supply chain cyber risk management including the buyer’s considerations, vendor’s considerations, and the residual risk. In this session, audience members will be able to apply lessons learned made from mistakes and successes by industry and government.
These lessons learned will demonstrate how scenarios like COVID19 had and continue to have profound and unforeseen impacts on operations as a remote workforce was forcibly adopted across millions of workers in the United States in a matter of days. By raising the audience’s awareness, our panel will promote a call to action for buying agents and procurement officials to effectively buy down cyber risk within “the four corners” of legally binding agreements and contracts.
Carter Schoenberg is the Executive Vice President of Cybersecurity Solutions at IPKeys Power Partners. Mr. Schoenberg is a Certified Information System Security Professional with over 26 years of combined experience in criminal investigations, cyber threat intelligence, cybersecurity, risk management, and cyber law. He is a cybersecurity subject matter expert supporting government and commercial markets to better define how to evaluate technical threats and translate them into business risk.
Mr. Schoenberg is responsible for designing practical solutions to address cyber risk management using his proprietary cost-benefit analysis enabling system owners to make mission and cost justified decisions on cyber risk. Starting his career in law enforcement as a homicide detective, his work products have been actively used by DHS, the ISAC communities, and the Georgia Bar Association for Continuing Learning Educational (CLE) credits on the topic of cybersecurity risk and liability. His expertise is profiled at conferences including ISC2, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), SecureWorld Expo, ISSA, and InfosecWorld. Mr. Schoenberg is the lead author of the soon to be published Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) “Guidance for Smart Cities and Municipalities Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management” that is being recognized by City leaders as a key resource for limiting their exposure to harm stemming from third parties.
Serving as the CIO/Technology Director for the culturally diverse and exciting City of San Francisco, Linda leads 250 employees and manages and annual operating budget of $116 million. She provides technology leadership in the strategic areas of infrastructure & operations, shared services, cybersecurity and organizational performance. San Francisco is home to industry leading tech companies and these resources offer many opportunities to partner and implement innovative government services. With a focus on excellent customer service, Linda leans into cooperative decision-making and problem solving to deliver results.
A recognized technology leader with domestic and international experience. Skilled in grasping the big picture, driving business innovation and partnering with business leaders. Proven ability to implement regional, multi-agency technology solutions that improve services and create efficiency by reducing cost and risk. Unique talent to craft government business strategies that produce revenue.
Karen is a recognized problem solver, with a proven track record of deploying value driven innovation strategies for government, business, and people. Karen is a long-time advocate for inclusivity and diversity in building the Information and Emerging Technology workforces, a sought after speaker, author and contributor for Smart City design, Strategic Business Architectures, solutions for Workforce and Economic Development and a veteran consultant in securing infrastructures, re-imagining cost effective growth strategies, expanding public private partnerships (P3) and building resilient, sustainable organizational cultures. Karen is a contributor for volunteer organizations that support rural development, Smart Cities, Women's' Empowerment, and is currently one of the co-chairs for the NICE Workforce Management Sub-Group.
Round Table B1 Cloud Security: Everyone's Needs
Abstract: The current COVID-19 health crisis has plunged America into one of its darkest moments. Yet there is hope in new technology as the adoption of cloud computing has taken off like a rocket, but where is the security? Attend this session to learn from award-winning leaders, succinct best practices and opportunities. Importantly, interact with the leaders and share your insights too.
Nathan has over 20 years of experience specializing in cloud security, security architecture, data protection, incident response, and regulatory compliance across multiple industries including: pharmaceutical, government, retail, oil and gas, software, healthcare, financial, semiconductor, satellite, and manufacturing. His more recent articles on new technologies for Smart Cities were published in City Pulse magazine in Europe, earlier this year.
Nathan is a dedicated diversity and inclusion advocate, who was recently awarded the Male Ally of the Year award earlier this year. He co-founded WiCyS Colorado and serves on multiple boards including: Spark Mindset, IGNITE Worldwide, and WiCyS Colorado. He also volunteers at multiple organizations and nonprofits including: Cyber XR Coalition, WiCyS, Cybersecurity Woman of the Year Awards, TechCARES, and the State of California Governor's Cybersecurity Task Force Workforce Development and Education.
Previous roles have included: Security Engineer at Charter Communications, Information Security Analyst at Sephora, Senior Security Analyst at Ross Stores, Information Security Analyst at Gymboree, IT Consultant at Lockheed Martin, and Head of IT for the Governor's Office in the State of Hawaii.
Nathan is a graduate from the University of Hawaii and holds a MBA in Project Management and a MISM in Information Systems Management specializing in Information Security from Devry University. He is currently a Senior Cloud Security Consultant at EY.
Lee is an Associate Professor in the iSchool (The School of Information Studies), Syracuse University, an Affiliate of the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism (INSTC), and Faculty Advisor to the Worldwide Innovation Technology and Entrepreneurship Club (WiTec).
Lee teaches Blockchain Management, Information Security Policy, and Cloud Architecture at Syracuse, and lectures annually at MIT on innovation since 1998. Lee serves on the Board of Directors of Imcon International Inc. (which makes the Internet Backpack he co-invented), and on, NineAI, and Promptous Advisory Boards. Lee was Principal Investigator of the 2011 Technology Project of Year TACNY Award-winning National Science Foundation Partnerships for Innovation Wireless Grids Innovation Testbed (WiGiT) project 2009-2014 which developed the Open Specifications Model (now 0.5). Lee is co-inventor of edgeware, a new class of software for creating secure ad hoc overlay cloud to edge applications and services for the Internet of Things. Lee's research focuses on cyber-physically secure service governance, and national and international technology policy. Lee was Research Associate Professor of Computer Science, Associate Professor of International Information and Communication, and Director of the Edward R. Murrow Center at Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University; and Visiting Scholar, Principal Research Associate, Lecturer, Postdoctoral Fellow and Consultant at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Lee's research has been published in dozens of peer-reviewed journal articles and several MIT Press books. He has been quoted by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, USA Today, Bloomberg Business Week, AP, CNBC, NPR, and Voice of America, among others.
Lee's PhD was awarded by MIT, Masters by The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, and Bachelors (magna cum laude) by Tufts University.
Scott Tousley is a Splunk Senior Executive for Cyber Programs, focusing on emerging Splunk capabilities around Public Safety, Critical Infrastructure, Smart Cities, the Internet of Things, and Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence applications and capabilities. Scott was most recently Deputy Director, Cyber Security Division, DHS Science & Technology where he helped lead the cyber security research division for DHS, DHS’s involvement in Smart Cities and Incident Response Teams (CSIRT) research. Scott worked on developing and implementing R&D strategies for DHS’ role in strengthening national critical infrastructure and cyber security capabilities, engaging the cyber security research community and academic, corporate and operating research organizations. He was also the lead DHS representative/contributor to the 2016 National AI and AI research strategies. Prior to this role Scott was Deputy Assistant Director in the DHS Domestic Nuclear Detection Office where he collaborated across the U.S. government driving the Global Nuclear Detection Architecture and Mission.
Previous roles have included: ● Cybersecurity PM/Senior Scientist at MITRE ● VP at a technical startup (Logos Technologies) ● Network Ops Security at Genuity ● Chief, Watch/Warning Unit, FBI/National Infrastructure Protection Center ● Operations Directorate, Joint Chiefs of Staff ● Deputy Director, U.S. Threat Reduction Office (Moscow)
Scott is a retired Army Corps of Engineers officer, both graduate and faculty from West Point, and holds an M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from Texas A&M and a Master of Arts (Strategy) from the US Army’s War College.
Round Table C1 CMMC Strategy /Implementation /Monitoring
Abstract: With over 1,000 open investigations by the FBI into intellectual property theft of US Technology by the Chinese, the US Department of Defense has recognized the need for an established process and accountability model to establish security guidelines for DoD supply chains.
This model has been defined under the CMMC- Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification and will require all DoD defense contractors to obtain a certification, regardless of their size, and services they provide. The model has been defined, however there are still many questions and concerns regarding the process and implementation of the certification, especially for SMBs. Join Paul and Marcela at the CMMC interactive Roundtable discussion, where they will discuss timing, cost, and other burning questions you may have regarding the CMMC, and how it will affect SMBs.

Co-Founder and President of Cyber Lantern, evangelist for minorities in cyber, advocate for serving the underserved- Marcela Denniston is a security and business professional with a passion for education and publicizing the need for cyber security for all. Her 18 years of international experience across commercial and government sectors has helped Marcela understand the critical gaps in understanding, managing and implementing security for organizations both large and small.
Marcela began her career in the United States Navy, where she worked as a Cyber Analyst for the National Security Agency (NSA), and quickly demonstrated a natural capacity to become an instructor and leader in the areas of Cyber Intelligence, Network Defense, Intrusion Analysis and Threat Reporting. Her international consulting experience further expanded on how vast the lack of knowledge in security was globally, and highlighted the critical need for diversity and inclusion in the technology/security market.
Today, Marcela works with security product start-ups as an Advisor on how to improve end user experiences, streamline messaging, and developing relevant content that supports the need for security. Marcela co-founded Cyber Lantern to provide Virtual CISO and Consulting services to Small Businesses, Local Government, and Municipalities who struggle to understand and implement effective security measures on limited budgets. She also provides Board Advisory services to large Enterprise organizations on identifying the need for diversity and cyber security acumen for their organizations.
Paul is the current President of the Atlanta Chapter of AFCEA and an active member of NIST’s Global City Teams Challenge program focused on Cybersecurity. He currently supports Geisler LLC as the Chief Technology Sherpa after retiring from AT&T after 27 years. He helped develop some of the first voice command products, micro-payments, and integrated cellular, wi-fi and internet solutions for large corporate customers. With this technical experience, and sixteen years of active Public Safety experience (Paramedic, Firefighter, Crisis Response and Naval Reserves), he is an avid Smart Cities fan, and led AT&T to bring the concept to the United States Air Force for the first ‘Smart Base’ at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama.
Keynote #2 Security & Privacy Adoption Innovations
Abstract: Data breaches have been climbing in an eerily similar climb in investments since 2005. What needs to happen to tip the security needle in the right direction? Adoption, adoption, adoption. Especially in the under-served sectors, including local governments, start-ups, small businesses and nonprofits. However, two hurdles lie in the path: shortages in expertise and funding, while the expertise supply sector faces its own hurdle: the school to job gap.
Attend this session to learn adoption innovations that address the above hurdles and that could tip the needle in the right direction. Your organization may be the next in line to have a break if you adopt these innovations.
During COVID-19, many small businesses /nonprofits /local governmnets get to keep operational thanks to TechCARES, an initiative by a coalition of 19 nonprofits. As the driving force behind TechCARES, Ms. Lan Jenson is proud of the volunteers and interns and the many small businesses /nonprofits /local governments that have pivoted and learned to catch the "digital fish."
As the CEO of Adaptable Security Corp (ADA for short), Ms. Lan Jenson aims to change the landscape of cybersecurity and privacy by energizing the underserved majority of the society with innovative easy-to-adopt methodologies and professional volunteers. She has been a strong voice and leader in NIST and DHS-sponsored Smart Secure Cities and Communities Challenge (SC3), which serves 200+ participating cities worldwide. Ms. Jenson serves as the Co-Chair of SC3 Cybersecurity and Privacy Advisory Committee, which published a guidebook in July 2019 for all aspiring smart cities to build in cybersecurity and privacy by design.
ADA has served successfully governments, school districts, smaller businesses, and nonprofits with cyber risk assessments, multi-year risk-based planning, seminars and symposiums. ADA’s partners include cities/counties, state departments, federal agencies, professional and civic organizations such as ISC2/ ISACA/ ISSA chapters, InfraGard, OWASP, People Centered Internet, Global Cyber Alliance, NCSA, SCORE and Small Business Development Centers. Lan Jenson received her Master’s in Management of Information Systems from Boston University.
Dr. Keith Clement is Professor of Criminology at California State University, Fresno. He Chairs the Workforce Development/Education Subcommittee of the California Cybersecurity Task Force led by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) and California Department of Technology. Professor Clement is currently authoring the California Cybersecurity Workforce Development and Education Strategy. He is also developing and implementing the California Cybersecurity Career Education Pipeline and Pathway Project to prepare 50,000 cybersecurity professionals for statewide entry-level employment. In addition, he is co-organizing the 2020 California Cybersecurity Industry Convening Meeting (virtual) and recently co-authored the California Cybersecurity Essential Workforce Youth Pre- and Registered Apprentice Talent Model Framework and Strategy.
Professor Clement Chairs the California Community College Chancellor’s Office Public Safety Education Advisory Committee (PSEAC) and also Chairs the Information Technology Subcommittee of the California Interagency Advisory Committee on Apprenticeships (IACA). In terms of previous service, Dr. Clement served as former Director for the CSU Council for Emergency Management and Homeland Security (CEMHS) California State University Chancellor’s Office Faculty Affinity Group. Dr. Clement received a U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Early Career Scientific Leadership Award in 2008.
Dr. Clement facilitates and enhances IT-Cybersecurity collaboration with industry (public and private sectors), education/higher education, and government agencies. The common purpose is developing strong partnerships and resilient cyber communities through alignment and linkage of statewide education career pipelines/pathways. Pipelines prepare all segments of the cyber talent pool, contribute significantly to California cybersecurity posture, and serve as engine for transformative and equitable economic growth.
Jon Walton brings over 25 years of experience in the field of Information Technology and has a diverse background in both public and private sectors, setting innovative technology standards and providing visionary leadership for numerous organizations.
Currently as Chief Information Officer for the County of San Mateo, Jon manages a team of highly skilled professionals committed to delivering a variety of services including Public Safety Radios, Data Center & Infrastructure, Countywide Enterprise Applications, Strategic Planning, Open Data, and much more.
Under his leadership, San Mateo County (SMC) implemented a countywide shared digital public safety radio system, a hyper-converged SDN datacenter, a multi-jurisdictional high-speed fiber network, and the migration of key enterprise applications to the Cloud. In addition, he oversaw the launch of SMC Public WiFi to help bridge the digital divide within the County.
Kyla is 18 years old, a student at Stanford University, and a cybersecurity supergirl. Four years ago, Kyla discovered her passion for cybersecurity. Discovering that 90% of cyberattacks were due to human error, Kyla founded Bits N’ Bytes Cybersecurity Education (BNBCE), a 501(c)(3) that distributes curriculum to 243+ schools and fosters partnerships with school districts, corporations like Facebook, Verizon Media, & IBM, and educational platforms to increase training/awareness. Last year, BNBCE organized a national fellowship/scholarship program, giving eight young women the resources and mentors to produce a capstone project presenting a modern solution to cybersecurity concerns. Kyla has championed her message of cybersecurity resilience on national and international stages including TEDxChicago, NIST’s NICE Conference, RSAC-USA, and RSAC Singapore 2019. Additionally, noticing the gender imbalance in cybersecurity, she also became the cofounder of GirlCon Chicago Conference, Chicago’s premiere tech conference that unites 700+ industry professionals and students annually to discuss bridging the gender gap. For her work, Kyla has been honored as a JFK Medal of Honor Winner, Crain Chicago’s Top 50 in Tech, a 2018 Global Teen Leader, and a 2019 Harvard Book Prize Award winner.
Round Table A2 AI vs. AI - Cybersecurity Necessity?
* Co-Chair of NIST GCTC CPAC COVID-19 Taskforce.
* Security thought leader, Founding Member of IoT Security Foundation, a industry consortium of global IoT leaders.
* Technical cyber expert Subject Matter Expert (SME) for various organizations.
* 22 years working for Global Fortune 500 Companies creating strategic risk based programs to help businesses survive and be profitable.
* Guest commentator and writer for local television, print and online media. Featured on, among others, Forbes, Huffington Post and various industry organizations publications.
* Frequent presenter at industry events.
* President of OutSecure, A cybersecurity security company helping clients stay profitable and anticipate cybersecurity risks to their business.
* Chair Northeast Annual Cybersecurity Summit, NEACS – a security summit for business leaders.
* President CT Chapter of ISC2, helping spread security awareness in the community.
Michael Melore is a cyber security advisor, author, and recognized subject matter expert in Information Intelligence, Identity Access Governance, authentication and Authorization, and Data Protection. Melore is based out of the NYC Metro Area representing IBM Security across North America. Melore is known as a specialist in presenting technical solutions and strategy to non-technical business audiences. Melore is Passionate in discussions correlating blended threats spanning traditional physical and logical infrastructure boundaries and "Defense in Depth".
In the past Melore has held Professional Services and Consulting roles. Melore was a team leader and Lead architect for many of the largest authentication and authorization infrastructures. This includes architecting two separate Billion user authentication and authorization infrastructures. Past SME roles included LDAP Directory Services, Messaging and Collaboration, Identity Management, Identity Governance, Access Control, Physical and Logical Security convergence, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Data Communications and Network Management. Melore has expertise called upon by large enterprises in Crisis and Disaster Recovery situations.
Melore held past Sales and Product Lead roles in Security and Risk, Identity Governance, Messaging, Directory Services, Access Control, and Collaboration. Melore is a frequent public speaker and author on Security, Business Risk, and Architectural topics. Melore is also a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).
Matthew James Bailey is an internationally recognised pioneer in the Internet of Things (IoT), Innovation, Smart Cities and Artificial Intelligence. His extraordinary leadership is widely acknowledged throughout governments and the private sector.
Matthew has been classified by the US government as “A Person of Extraordinary Ability” for his global and influential work in the IoT and innovation - a rare award allocated to those who have attained an exceptional high level of achievement in their field of expertise. In 2015, Matthew was nominated for an award by the World Technology Network for his achievements. Previous winners have been Elon Musk, Sir Tim Berners Lee and Al Gore. Matthew was first to introduce the UK Prime Minister to the IoT.
Matthew advises G7, national and regional governments on their innovation and technology strategies. Matthew is also active in the private sector advising Fortune 500 and mid-tier technology companies, non for profit and economic development organisations and investors.
His leadership has positively influenced many territories around the world in their digital transformation. He has helped build new global technology businesses, launched new innovation initiatives, guided development of new technologies as well as international wireless and edge computing standards.
Matthew consults with public and private sector organisations around the world on their strategy specialising in the fields of innovation, artificial intelligence and smart cities. He is also guiding a number of leading edge artificial intelligence initiatives in both government and the private sector.
Matthew operates at the intersection of innovation and leading edge technologies to enable positive economic, social and environmental change. He has written a book titled - "Inventing World 3.0" that outlines a powerful vision to advance the human story by aligning a break through approach to Artificial Intelligence - one that is Ethical and Evolutionary in nature.
Matthew enjoys public speaking, with over 200+ public engagements to date. He has been featured in podcasts and radio, on the TV and online media as well as in the press.
Born of British origins, Matthew currently lives in Colorado, USA where he enjoys writing and consulting. Find out more at, and
Round Table B2 Talent Pipeline & Diversity
Talent and technology veteran, Deidre Diamond, Founder and CEO of CyberSN and Secure Diversity, has created the largest cybersecurity talent acquisition service and technology firm in the U.S; while focusing on the cybersecurity talent shortage, specifically the shortage of women. Deidre's mission is to remove the pain from job searching and matching for everyone. Deidre cares tremendously about people loving where they work and has been working to create cultures that have high EQ (emotional intelligence) skills. These skills focus on words and behaviors. Deidre is known in the D/I community as someone who works hard at making sure words and behaviors are inclusive for all, so that inclusive environments can also be diverse environments.
Carmen Marsh is the CEO and Managing Partner of Inteligenca Inc., a management consulting company in California, focusing on Enterprise Agile Transformations and Cyber Risk Managed programs. Carmen is also a thought leader and co-founder of Include Cybersecurity initiative with the goal of bringing more women and other underrepresented groups into cybersecurity careers. Include Cybersecurity team organizes and sponsors national cybersecurity events that help educate, empower and transform the cybersecurity workforce to become a new generation of cyber defenders. Carmen is a frequent presenter at PMI/ PMO, ISSA & COO Forums, and enjoys writing about ways we can become more self-aware, focused and compassionate leaders, and embrace our differences as strengths to make the true impact.
Niloufer Tamboly, CISSP, CPA I am the organizer of the largest cybersecurity career MeetUp group and creator of the YouTube Channel "Cybersecurity Career Talks". I am a risk management professional and help companies manage risk, quantify the impact, and translate risk metrics for business stakeholders. I help business stakeholders execute cybersecurity strategy and accept risks appropriately based on quantified risk appetite.I stay up to date on technologies, frameworks, products, threats, and solutions. I am a sought after resource to review risk in emerging tech. I hold multiple certifications in IT Security (CISSP, CCSP), Risk (OPEN Fair), Privacy (CDPSE), Audit (CISA, CIA), and Fraud (CFE). I am a Certified Public Account licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey. And a Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA). United States Patent Office has granted me two patents for System For And Method of Generating Visual Passwords (US 9,171,143 B2) and Establishing An Alternate Call Path Using Short-Range Wireless Technology (US 9,392,523). I co-founded the (ISC)2 New Jersey Chapter in 2012 and am the current President.
Round Table C2 Data Privacy: Key practices that increase awareness and reduce risk
Abstract: Data Privacy can be a daunting issue as organizations try to operate and deal with regulations that may put additional pressure to transform business practices. However, compliance does not necessarily mean a pivot away from daily business to develop a full-scale data privacy program. This session will discuss three best practices that companies can implement now to improve data privacy awareness and reduce risk.
Debbie Reynolds, “The Data Diva,” is a world-renowned technologist, thought-leader, and advisor to Multinational Corporations for handling global data privacy, cyber data breach response, and complex cross-functional data-driven projects. Ms. Reynolds is an internationally published author, highly sought speaker, and top media presence about global data privacy, data protection, and technology issues. Ms. Reynolds has also been recognized as a Technology Visionary and as a top leader in the Data Privacy industry worldwide.
Ms. Reynolds is the author of works in books, The GDPR Challenge: Privacy, Technology, and Compliance In An Age of Accelerating Change, and eDiscovery for Corporate Counsel; She is the author of works in publications like The International Journal for the Data Protection Officer, Privacy Officer, and Privacy Counsel, Bloomberg Law, Thomson Reuters West, Westlaw Journal, Today’s General Counsel Magazine (TGC), Law360 and the International Legal Technology Association (ILTA); She has been interviewed and quoted in media outlets, Bloomberg Big Law Business, Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), Digiday, LegalTech News,, Law360, The Recorder, High Performance Counsel (HPC), Legal Business World, Toyo Keizai Japan, and American Lawyer.
Katrina Destrée is a Director of Privacy at KUMA LLC, a global privacy and security consulting company, providing a full range of advisory services to build and enhance security, privacy, and identity initiatives for public and private sector organizations. Katrina is based in San Diego, California. She is a Certified Information Privacy Professional/ Europe (CIPP/E) and focuses on operationalizing privacy and stakeholder communications. Previously, she was involved in building PayPal's privacy program; evaluating and approving Privacy Impact Assessments, compliance with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and managing inquiries on the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
Previously, Katrina lived in Brussels, Belgium for 18 years where she held management positions in regulatory affairs and sustainability, including as the Director of Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement at Nokia and board member of the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI), responsible for sector-level sustainability communications with UN agencies, multilateral organizations, EU Institutions, and media outlets. Early in her career, she managed a privatization abroad where she learned what it was like to live without modern communications and the impact of surveillance on daily life. This experience inspired her to study the legal frameworks of global networks and launch a career in telecoms. Later, when data protection and privacy became the leading issue facing the entire telecom sector from a sustainability point of view, she increased her focus on data privacy. She holds a Master of Arts degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Boston and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. She also continues her life-long passion in classical ballet and volunteers for the San Francisco Ballet Association and the UNESCO affiliated International Dance Council.
Keynote #3 Fireside Chat: Collaboration Areas for Cybersecurity and Privacy Wins
Abstract: No organization can achieve security on their own as digital capabilities permeate every corner of our society. Siloed approaches are limited and wasteful in many cases. It takes a network of us to defeat increasingly networked cyber criminals. Which areas are prime opportunities for collaboration across functions and even sectors?
Join two leaders for their fresh insights updated with 2020 experience in the frontline. Their experience spans private industry and government functions. Their responsibilities range from technical advances in artificial intelligence to decisions that affect millions of people. Attendees are welcome to bring their insights to this interactive session.

Nick Rossmann is the Lead for Intelligence Research and Operations within IBM X-Force Incident Response and Intelligence Services (IRIS). His teams hunt for evil and reverse engineer malware. Nick works closely with offering management across IBM Security to integrate threat intelligence into the portfolio.
Prior to IBM, Nick was a senior manager for intelligence production at FireEye where he coordinated research, including assessments about China, Russia, cyber criminals and ICS vulnerabilities. In addition, he oversaw the production and dissemination of threat intelligence to clients and supported the sales organization with product marketing material. Prior to moving to the private sector, Nick was an intelligence analyst on Middle East issues at the CIA, and also worked at the FBI and Department of Defense. He’s a graduate of the Maxwell School at Syracuse University. Nick attended the National Intelligence University. He’s currently earning his Executive Master of Science in Information Management from the iSchool at Syracuse University.
Day 3: Smart Secure Communities

MC: Kevin McCelland, Leeward Financial
Kevin McClelland has over thirty years of experience in the restaurant business and financial world. He has been awarded the Business Advocate of the Year by The SVO (formerly the San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce), and he received the Star Award from the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce.
In 2018 Leeward Financial was recognized as the Assembly District 28 (Evan Low) Small Business of the Year in Sacramento, California. He worked for TGIFriday’s Restaurants for over twenty years as an Executive General Manager, repeatedly breaking profits and sales records while managing all aspects of the business. He is the owner of Leeward Financial & Insurance Services, where he specializes in Financial Independence, Wealth Management, Real Estate Investments, & Business Consulting.
He is on the Board of Directors for the Cupertino Chamber of Commerce, where he serves as a Past President while engaging in Business Advocacy and Legislation. He joined the Silicon Valley Organization (San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce) Board of Directors at the end of 2017 and is Co-Chair for the Small Business Issues Committee.
He is a Facilitator, Coach, Mentor, and Judge for the Silicon StartUp Cup Business Model Competition. He is also a Facilitator for the Pakistan StartUp Cup held in Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad Pakistan. Kevin is also a Business Advisor for the Silicon Valley & Hispanic Satellite Small Business Development Centers, where he helps Small Business owners to start and grow their small businesses in Santa Clara County.
Early Birds Activity
8:00 - 12:00 PDT Cybersecurity Cybersecurity Capture the Flag (CTF) with Prizes
Organizer: Rob Soto, Founder, Pacific Hackers; Black Hat Worldwide Champion; Chloé Messdaghi, Co-Founder, Women in Security (WoSEC); VP of Strategy, Point3 Security

CTF Prizes
1st place: one year subscription to Point3's ESCALATE
2nd place: 6 month subscription to Point3's ESCALATE
3rd place: 3 month subscription to Point3's ESCALATE
ESCALATE is a proven immersive ecosystem that delivers gamified cyber-skills challenges with an online community of mentors. Product features include:
* More than 100 challenges and growing
* Live mentor coaching
* Community chat rooms
* 24/7 access
* Secure cloud-based environment
Welcome Keynote: Small Business Recovery - Road to Innovation
Julie is the District Director of SBA’s San Francisco District Office (SFDO) where she oversees delivery of SBA’s programs and services within 14 counties in Northern California.
Prior to joining the SFDO she was the Deputy District Director of SBA’s Washington Metropolitan Area District Office overseeing the largest 8(a) portfolio in the country with approximately 1,000 firms receiving $4-6 billion in contracts annually. Prior to joining the district office she was the chief marketing and outreach attorney with the SBA’s Office of General Counsel handling issues impacting SBA’s outreach efforts including external agency partnerships, technology and use of social media.
Julie began her SBA career as the Public Affairs Specialist for the Michigan District Office. Prior to joining SBA she spent three years with the Michigan Small Business Development Center as an International Trade Specialist where she co-authored “Trade Secrets: The Export Answer Book.” Julie is a graduate of the Excellence in Government Fellowship program and President’s Management Council Fellowship program and has a BA in International Studies from Bradley University, Peoria, IL and an MBA and JD from Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. Julie also volunteers for many colon cancer advocacy initiatives and helped establish the Scope It Out 5K Run/Walk for colon cancer awareness in Washington DC and currently is a Board member of the Colorectal Cancer Alliance.
Keynote #1 Small Business Game Changer: Secure eCommerce
Abstract: Digital capabilities or secure eCommerce are here to stay for small businesses /startups /nonprofits. Is it affordable? Is it doable for a small business /nonprofit that doesn’t have much knowledge or time? What are the legal requirements and best practices?
Attend this session to find insights and tangible help from government and business leaders, as well as cybersecurity experts. Hint: going digital securely could be free of cost if you know the right people.
Assemblymember Kansen Chu was elected in November 2014 to represent California’s 25th Assembly District, which includes the Alameda County communities of Fremont and Newark, and the Santa Clara County communities of Milpitas, San José and Santa Clara. Assemblymember Chu recently served as the Chair of the Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism, and Internet Media Committee. Additionally, he serves on the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee, Transportation Committee, and Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee. In addition to the committees mentioned above, Assemblymember Chu created the Select Committee on Hate Crimes and is spearheading the conversation and policy changes to denounce hate and keep communities safe. Prior to becoming Chair of the Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism, and Internet Media Committee, Chu was appointed Chair of the Human Services Committee where he pushed many policies to help get struggling families back on their feet.
Kansen Chu previously served on the San José City Council for seven years. He was the first Chinese-American to serve on the region’s City Council. A long-time advocate for education, Chu was elected to the Berryessa Union School Board District in 2002. As a school boardmember, he worked to bolster public education materials, strengthen curriculum and improve public access to school board meetings.
Born in Taiwan, Chu moved to the United States in 1976 as a graduate student. He holds a Master's in Electrical Engineering from Cal State Northridge, and worked as a Microdiagnostics Microprogrammer at IBM for 18 years. In addition, he also owned and operated Ocean Harbor Chinese Restaurant for 16 years.
Chu and his wife Daisy have been married for more than 40 years. They have two adult children, Ann and Walt, a son-in-law Steve, and grandchildren, Kimberly and Connor.
Dhez Woodworth supports the growth of the local economy as an Economic Development Officer at the City of San Jose. He brings a wealth of information in a wide range of areas including collaboration, small business development, marketing, job development, project development, and budgeting through his 20+ years in the Office of Economic Development. He works with more than 30 small business assistance organizations serving the Greater San Jose area as part of a collaboration called Mutual support and cross-referrals help address the needs of thousands of local small businesses every year with comprehensive no- or low-cost services, webinars, and advising on a broad range of topics.
He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in economics from UC San Diego and San Jose State University.
Mr. Perez is an Economic Development Manager and Urban Planner with extensive project management and development experience in the private and public sectors. Mr. Perez has served several municipalities (City of Doral, Town of Cutler Bay, Village of Palmetto Bay and City of South Miami) in Miami-Dade County as a department director. His responsibilities included implementation of Economic Development Programs, Comprehensive Plans, Land Development Regulations (LDR), review of land development projects (site plans), interpretation of zoning and land use regulations, policy development, water supply planning, brownfield redevelopment, strategic planning, environmental planning, floodplain management planning (CRS Program), post-disaster planning, art-in-public place, and preparation of annual departmental budgets.
In the private sector, Mr. Perez served as a senior program manager and client service manager for both domestic and international clients. His professional responsibilities included the management of environmental studies, water resources planning, solid waste master planning, aviation planning, brownfield redevelopment, land development impact studies, preparation of Project Management Plans (PMPs) (US Army Corps of Engineers Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS), Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP), and environmental restoration programs), project development books for cargo facilities and the fourth runway at Miami International Airport (MIA); and preparation and negotiation of the development order for the $5.6B development program at Miami International Airport (MIA).
Mr. Perez recent assignments include projects related to economic development, land use planning, comprehensive plan (large-scale and small scale amendments)/future land use map amendments, land development regulations, plat review, brownfields redevelopment, review of residential and commercial developments, zoning analysis, water resources planning, environmental planning, capital improvement programming, local government development order, siting study for a public school, implementation of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulations, Floodplain Management Ordinance, development of water supply facilities work plan, and implementation of the city’s brownfield program. From 2017 through 2019, Mr. Perez assisted the City of Doral secure over $900,000 in Volunteer Cleanup Tax Credit (VCTC) from the State of Florida for cleaning environmental challenge properties in the City.
Pam Vavra worked as a software engineer for 20 years in aerospace, defense, and nuclear energy, developing vision systems and supporting applied research in artificial intelligence. Later, she founded and managed several non-profits and ran political campaigns for causes such as living wage, historic preservation, and library funding. Currently, as a practicing attorney, Pam provides general counsel services to startups and small businesses. She also works at Santa Clara University where she develops new program initiatives at the Law School and Ciocca Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. As a volunteer for SCORE, Pam serves on the board and coordinates a Free Entrepreneurs' Legal Advising Clinic staffed by more than a dozen volunteer attorneys and nearly 50 law students.
Damien enjoys enabling entrepreneurs and organizations to achieve their digital adoption and growth goals. As Adaptable Security's Client Director, he is responsible to ensure clients obtain the appropriate solutions and services to effectively and securely operate and scale their digital capabilities. Damien has extensive experience in establishing and growing enterprise customer applications (connected industries and communities), infrastructure solutions (cloud computing, Internet of Things), and services in industries spanning financial services, energy, aerospace, retail, and ecommerce.
Jesse Lin is COO of Qathena, an order management platform redefining customer experiences in the restaurant and hospitality industries. Jesse spent fifteen years in Silicon Valley tech with a public and private mix. The past decade he has been active in the software startup space. Jesse has helped Wildfire Interactive get acquired by Google, built a payments platform at PayStand, and led Finance at several startups, including Elementum and ConvertKit. After a decade and a half in Bay Area, Jesse now resides in the Los Angeles area with his wife, daughter, and schnauzer.
Keynote #2 Closing the Digital Divide and Upskilling Communities for Smart Secure Cities
Abstract: Closing the digital divide should be central to any smart city strategy. Learn how San Francisco and its partners are working on the “3-legged stool” of digital equity (connectivity, devices, and digital skill) in its most vulnerable communities. Approaches include:
Providing free high-speed Internet access through the Fiber to Housing program
Tech career training and employment assistance through TechSF and its groundbreaking Apprenticeship program
Innovative digital literacy programs for seniors from Chinatown Community Development Center
A community ecosystem approach of tech service learning, computer refurbishment, and tech support from Dev/Mission
Alex Banh is the Digital Equity Manager for the City and County of San Francisco's Office of Digital Equity. In this role, he is tasked with managing citywide efforts to improve technology access and digital skills among underserved populations. His responsibilities include conducting research, piloting programs, and developing partnerships with public, private, and community-based stakeholders to close the digital divide. Alex is committed to digital inclusion to empower individuals and communities. Prior to working at the City, he led the Asia Foundation’s global IT team, overseeing IT projects and training programs for the organization’s local staff and partners throughout developing Asia. He also previously co-managed San Francisco’s federal Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) grant at the Department of Technology, funding a variety of digital skills programs for audiences from youth to seniors.

Leo Sosa, Founder and CEO, Dev/Mission
Mr. Sosa came to San Francisco from Guatemala in 1985 when he was 16 years old. Mr. Sosa holds a California teaching credential, multiple IT Certifications and an associate of science (information technology) from CCSF.
Since 1995 his greatest passion is directing leadership and tech training programs for low- income youth living in SF and beyond. Mr. Sosa’s personal and professional history in the nonprofit sector over 20 years gives him extensive insight into the challenges that confront Latino youths aiming to succeed as first-generation college students and exposure to STEM Careers.
He has launched three youth and young adults technology workforce development programs in San Francisco before launching his own non-profit Dev/Mission ( in March 2017; combining his experience in IT and youth-program workforce development and his passion for bridging the diversity gap in tech. The result is a sustainable program with proven outcomes for low-income communities.
Judy Kuang, Youth Program Manager, is the product of Chinatown Community Development Center’s (CCDC) Adopt-An-Alleyway (AAA) youth leadership empowerment youth program. Her programs include the Intergenerational Digital Hub, where youth leaders provide basic digital literacy training in Cantonese for seniors. Judy has first-hand knowledge of the struggles of youth living in SROs (single room occupancy residential hotels) and other overcrowded housing. In 2006, Judy launched the Youth for SROs program at Chinatown CDC empowering youth leadership and voice by planning and running service-learning projects with SRO residents. In 2017 received recognition from Teachers for Social Justice (T4SJ) for Thank a Teacher for 10 years of dedication in youth leadership development.
Orrian Willis, is a Sr. Workforce Development Specialist and Manager of the TechSF initiative at the City of San Francisco’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development. TechSF is a portfolio of local tech training providers that upskill Bay Area residents for careers in technology. Orrian and the TechSF team work diligently to create stronger access to technology, access to tech training and develop Public- Private Partnerships which result in hundreds of job placements per year for under-represented job seekers. This work has culminated in the TechSF Apprenticeship programming that Orrian and his team oversee.
As a first-generation college graduate, Orrian acutely understands the barriers faced by many students and job seekers and keeps this perspective front of mind when working to solve for workforce system challenges. His stance is that bridging the digital divide creates communities that have more economic and information security; and that one approach to bridging the divide is through career opportunities.
Preston Rhea has over a decade of experience in telecommunications engineering and public interest advocacy. As Director of Engineering, Policy Program at Monkeybrains, a local ISP in San Francisco, Preston coordinates partnerships with governments to build public fiber to affordable housing, breaks down barriers to affordable internet in large apartment buildings, and advances Monkeybrains' gigabit network penetration in underserved areas. He developed the public policy program while managing the technician team at Monkeybrains for four years. Prior to joining Monkeybrains in 2015, Preston worked at Code for America developing civic engagement practices with city governments and networks of civic technologists, developed and implemented a field curriculum for community wireless network deployment at the Open Technology Institute in Washington, DC, and worked at a content delivery network startup in Beijing, China. He holds a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Keynote #3 Fireside Chat: Grow My Business with Secure eCommerce
Abstract: Digital capabilities or secure eCommerce are here to stay for small business /nonprofits. Is it affordable? Is it doable for a small business /nonprofit that doesn’t have much knowledge or time? What are the legal requirements and best practices?
Attend this session to find insights and tangible help from government and business leaders, as well as cybersecurity experts. Hint: going digital could be free of cost if you know the right people.
Dennis King is the Executive Director of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Silicon Valley, the chair of the Chambers of Commerce Coalition of Santa Clara County, board member of the San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce and a member of numerous other association boards and advisory committees.
King had served as the Chair, International Committee of the San Jose Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce for four years where he Co-Chaired Silicon Valley's NAFTA committee. King hosted incoming delegations from more than twenty-five nations and sent trade missions abroad.
King has served as President, Pacific Neighbors, Inc. (Sister Cites San Jose) for more than ten years. He is a member of the Advisory Committee, International House, San Jose State University, Advisory Committee of the San Jose Jobs Corps, the Industry Advisory Committee of the Center for Education and Training (CET).
Dave Cortese was first elected to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors in 2008 and re-elected in 2012 and 2016. He served four years as Board president. Prior to joining the Board, he served for eight years on the San Jose City Council, including two years as vice mayor. Also, for eight years Dave was a trustee for the East Side Union High School District. On the Board of Supervisors, Cortese serves as Chair of the Housing, Land Use, Environment, and Transportation Committee and Vice Chair of the Children, Seniors, and Families Committee. As Board President, he has brought the community together to address and reduce homelessness, reform the County’s jail custody operations, and fight for the rights of Dreamers.
Dave is a member and immediate past president of the regional Metropolitan Transportation Commission, serves on the Association of Bay Area Governments Executive Board, the National Association of Counties Transportation Steering Committee and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA). His efforts have resulted in the widening of several highway ramps and interchanges and the improvement and expansion of public transportation.
An investment banker turned three-time award winning Latina entrepreneur from Bolivia, Carolyn serves as the Founder and CEO of Hello Alice, a smart technology that helps business owners find the right path to start and grow their companies. Carolyn is a long-time advocate for underestimated founders and believes technology-driven data will prove the business case for inclusion. During her time at Hello Alice, Carolyn was recognized as a "17 Women to Watch," by Inc. Magazine, has testified before the U.S. Congressional House Small Business Committee, and was featured in a U.S. Senate report by Senator Shaheen titled, "Tackling the Gender Gap: What Women Entrepreneurs Need to Thrive." She was selected by Mayor Turner of Houston to co-chair the Women and Minority Small Business Task Force in 2019.
With her previous companies she was stated as "Woman to Watch" by Entrepreneur Magazine, American Express Micro to Millions awardee, and has been featured in Inc., Forbes, Fortune, and more for her work toward building entrepreneurial ecosystems. Prior to Hello Alice, Carolyn launched the world’s first completely virtual accelerator, supporting over 300 women from across the United States and internationally and helped them raise over $76 million in investments. Fast Company highlighted the accelerator as the most innovative and fastest growing for women. It was this experience that ultimately spurred the formation of Hello Alice, as Carolyn recognized that the inequities facing women entrepreneurs resulted largely from lack of awareness and access to existing resources and networks problems that not only faced women, but all marginalized populations. Circular Board also hosted the world’s first "Pitch With Purpose," a pitch competition awarding $25,000 to a company supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Previously, Carolyn scaled and sold a marketing firm, Cake, that developed technology-driven marketing analytics solutions. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, Cake was viewed as one of the early data analytics utilized by enterprise companies to streamline their marketing. Carolyn’s first company, Signatures was a luxury retail line that sold in over 400 stores worldwide, including Neiman Marcus, Harrods, and Bloomingdales. Additional recognitions include being selected as a delegate to the United Nations Foundation Global Accelerator. She is a member of the Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network, and a featured Dell influencer, a Fortune Most Powerful Women attendee, a Sam Walton Emerging Entrepreneur. Carolyn presented the keynote at TEDx Austin on the topic of failure, and serves as a regular contributor to major media outlets. Through her advisory position, Carolyn continues to support Texas A&M Mays College of Business, and currently resides in Houston, Texas with her husband and two boys, Luca and Henry.
Dr. Sara Rushinek is a Professor of Business Technology and Heath Informatics at the University of Miami Herbert Business School. She is also a Professor in the Master of Science in Clinical and Translational Investigation (MSCTI) Research Program at the Miller School of Medicine. Dr. Rushinek has been a visiting Professor at the University of Southern California (USC), University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Tel Aviv University, and the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Sara Rushinek has published over 150 peer reviewed articles. She is a reviewer for the National Science Foundation and is on the Editorial Board of International Journal of Business Intelligence and Systems and International Journal of Business Engineering and Management Systems.
Dr. Sara Rushinek was inducted in 2019 into the Women in Technology Hall of Fame. She serves on the Leadership Team of WITI (Women in Technology International), LATAM Women in Cybersecurity, and as an Academic Advocate for Quantitative Financial Engineering Association (QFEA) and ISACA. Dr. Rushinek specializes in Expert and Artificial Intelligence Systems, Big Data Analytics, cutting edge Hybrid Collaborative Tools & Techniques, SEO App Development, Health Informatics, Cybersecurity, Blockchain Applications, and Automated Algorithmic Trading Systems. Dr. Rushinek is a frequent speaker at academic, business, health, and technology conferences. She serves as an advisor, consultant and mentor to the business, tech, and startup community. She has is a consultant to major tech companies such as Intel, Microsoft, Sony, Panasonic, HP and hedge fund and trading platform companies such as Tradestation and Ninjatrader. Sara Rushinek also serves as consultant and advisor to the City of Coral Gables to create a Smart City Demo Lab.
Dr. Rushinek earned her undergraduate degree from Tel Aviv University and Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin.
ADA Award Ceremony | Wrapping up the Event and Looking into the Future
Mei Lin Fung is a technology pioneer working to ensure that technology works for humanity as the next 3.9 billion people come online. In 1989 she was part of the 2-person skunkworks team that developed “OASIS,” the first customer relationship management (CRM) system. She later served as socio-technical lead for the US Dept. of Defense’s Federal Health Futures initiative. In 2015, co-founded the People-Centered Internet. Mei Lin serves as vice-chair for Internet Inclusion within the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Internet Initiative & Smart Village. She is on the World Economic Forum (WEF) Steering Committee for Internet for All and facilitated the working group on Cross Border Data Flows at the WEF ASEAN Summit in Hanoi, Sept. 2018,. She works with where PCI is a partner organization, developing the Global Women-in-Tech Taskforce. Mei Lin is an MIT SLOAN graduate where she studied under two future Nobel Economics prize winners. Mei Lin was a finalist for 2018 Woman of the Year at the Silicon Valley Women in IT Awards organized by Information Age.
As a nonprofit executive, Marsali Hancock has twenty years of experience working with leading national and international policy leaders, top-ranked Fortune 100 companies like Google, AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, Target, Intel, Microsoft, Facebook, and Dell, along with highly respected organizations, maximizing technology to improve the quality of life, education, and economic opportunities. She is recognized for her efforts to create safe and healthy digital learning environments. In 2017 Ms. Hancock was awarded IEEE Communication Quality and Reliability 2017 Chairman’s Award for her “lifelong service protecting children around the world in cyberspace; for defining and implementing her vision ensuring technology is properly used; and for her global leadership to bring technology solutions to a human problem.” She serves as a commissioner for the Global Information Infrastructure Commission, the oldest internet policy organization where she works with nation state leaders to build robust communication networks companioned with proactive online safety and security initiatives. While president and CEO of iKeepSafe, Marsali developed the first Federal Trade Commission (FTC) approved COPPA safe harbor providing state and federal education law certifications.
Ms. Hancock is deeply involved nationally and internationally in measuring and defining positive digital cultures, responsible regulatory frameworks, data privacy, data compliance, and effective education initiatives that both empower and protect consumers. She has conducted media events and participated in initiatives with the White House, the Office of the First Lady of the United States, the Executive Office of the President of the United States, Attorneys General, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to name a few. She has extensive experience developing multi-stakeholder initiatives and serves on consumer advisory boards with industry leaders such as Symantec, Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T.